Twelve percent of our brain volume is engaged in conscious work, and in another 88% dominate subconsciousness. Scientific research confirms minimal differences between our organisms and individuals. The difference between geniuses and others is based on involving 88% of possibilities which are hidden deep inside our subconsciousness.
A life filled with success is achieved by those who find their own effective way to improve themselves. A map of this way is hidden deep in the individual's subconsciousness. Everyone opens a door into his/her own subconsciousness personally. The fulfillment certain of conditions of physical activity, while I was alone in a room, indicated a physical key to our subconsciousness. The simplicity of rules allows us to observe them and does not require material cost. The conditions are universal, and may be adjusted to any person. The door opens when the simultaneous observance of conditions becomes as one.
The entrance inside passes through consciousness with keeping the conditions above and due to the commands of subconsciousness, these commands get more audible.
Disclosure on the mystery of our brain shows that the basis of any of our actions is the desire to experience pleasure.
These founded conditions reveal the power of will, the work of memory and the work of our abilities. The laws of harmonious development reveal hidden abilities, change our thinking, change our morality that gives way to the growth of spiritual purity and unite us into one family, and as a result, the war begins to disappear. When a person rises to this level, when his notion about his own potential abilities is quite clear, difficult and complex things become very simple. INVOLVING THE
HIGHER LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT AND THE TIME OF GENIUSES WILL SET IN! Accidently I had a glance into the future and I hope that it will all, or least part of it be shared by many others. Victor A Slepukhov, city of Kharkiv, UKRAINE.