MORNING EXERCISES First, we tune physical activity to energy. Everyone can choose their own system; there is no
single specific way. It is enough to choose further suitable conditions and
activities according to one's own age. Common development of muscles raises efficiency in any kind of sport. The success in sport is 60 - 70 percent development of all muscles and 30 - 40 percent development of individual ability in the given kind of sport. As for the young, it is enough to choose their own exercises, their combination, and then to repeat them several times. But time, number of repetitions and rest; doing exercises is individual for everyone. Because I was lifting normal weight I would be allowed to exercise without a spotter. This raised the accessibility of these activities. The variety of exercises, the number of repetitions and the possibility of having a choice allowed me to manage with two dumb-bells and a weight. The dumb-bells and a sportive weight were replaced with suitable iron objects. The 1st week. Daily I began my
training with limbering-up which consisted of circular hand motions,
inclinations, squatting and pushups. Then exercises with using a
following weight: the lifting of two dumb-bells from the level of
waist to shoulders, then from shoulder-level up, circular motions
in wrists, elbows, shoulders and motions similar to the motions of
boxing hands. The next exercises were for the lifting of a sportive
weight at an inclined position, leaning forward, squatting with
the weight behind, rising upwards by two hands from shoulder level
and leaning forward, squatting with the weight in front at shoulder
level, in turn raising by one hand from a level of shoulders and
in turn squatting on one leg. Then I walked, taking deep breath and
relaxing. The next exercises were for the lifting of a sportive weight.
This combination of exercises was repeated twice and changed with breaks.
The 2nd week. Some new exercises were