5th and 6th month. Morning starts with a forty-five minute physical activity. Next, breakfast and necessary chores. Then mentally three-hour activity and forty-five minutes of physical activity. Then the rest, lunch, work at home and small nap. After that day mentally three-hour activity and forty-five minute physical. Holidays, personal household chores, dinner, walk, personal life.

Performing such kind of physical activity during a five month period produced the amount of energy. I noticed that of energy increased the number of memory cells in the process of memorizing. The energy allows me to use memory capacities fully and activated all the cells in the memory operation in the period of three hours intellectual activity. At this time I was studying mentally without any rest and focused myself on information.

The volume of information passed through my memory increased and the process of memorizing became visible for me. My capacity of observing the motion of information became visible. I saw clearly the flow of three streams: entering, filling and exiting information streams, like the movement of information on a computer monitor. The entering stream concludes all processed information. The filling stream is required, necessary information and the exiting stream is not needed. Volume of the exiting stream with volume of filling stream is equal to the volume of entering stream.

I observed that my operative memory (cells processing information at current moment of time) had been filled completely within three hours. At the beginning of intellectual studying it was processed much, but later its number was reduced. The stream of information filling the operative memory (processing cells) disappeared. Operative memory has its own volume. When this volume is filled, the stream of the filling information decreases to zero.

After this, the exiting stream became equal to entering or, in other words, my brain wasn’t processing information. I tried to work mentally without any result in a little time to convince myself that my operative memory was filled 100% completely. The information was not memorized and was not processed. The operation of memory, thanks to the energy, completely filled with the information.

Without any rest I casually performed the prepared physical work. The blood circulation quickened. The intensive motion of blood sped processes in the brain and the organism as a whole. The muscular contraction made impulses enriching and stimulated the brain’s activity. The motion increased the transmission of the material absorbed from my operative memory into the constant one (the cells of storage). The contraction of muscles made the operative memory free and ready for the next mental studying.

The impulses which carried the energy increased the transfer of information absorbed from operative memory into constant one (the cells of storage). Operative memory became empty in 45 minutes during the fulfillment of physical activity. The rapid emptying of operative memory thanks to the energy from physical exercises and then the sensation of its emptiness raised my mood. I had not noticed anything like this before when I began doing exercises in a purpose.

Thus, full use of all intellectual capacities is achieved in a specific moment of time and completely to involve the capabilities of muscles in a minimal space of time without inner strain and to join all this together.

Observing, I revealed the laws of these processes.

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