Today physical activity is about obtaining health and mood, but it isn’t about obtaining the energy inside of us. In gyms we come to make our human figure attractive and achieve results in sports, but usually there is no purpose to obtain will power or energy and its gradual accumulation. So, we do not use our own generator of energy and do not try to develop it.

Sportsmen who do not understand the process of obtaining energy are overextending the nervous system doing a heavy load’s exercises. As a result, the nervous system is shattered and psychological tiredness appears. This tiredness is mistaken as muscles’ tiredness or consumption of the muscles’ energy.

Mistakes in physical development and a false point of view, such as energy falls from the sky in poses of yoga, do not allow us to focus physical activity on energy.

Mistakes - it is usual in the gym to have mirrors, music, spring-trainers, rest between exercises, exercises without dumbbells and sportive weight. All of this helps us to obtain a little energy, but makes it impossible to tune in to obtain more energy, limits its growth and does not reveal the process of its obtaining.

Machines replace physical work and it makes us move less, thus, reducing our obtaining of energy. At the same time the number of mental professions grows so we work mentally and it increases the amount of wasted energy while working. The result of long constant usage of computers has bad influence on a person’s health.

Humans constantly solve tasks. What takes place at this time? Our brain is filled with information and the process of thinking consumes energy and it requires rehabilitation.

In practice, we do not use the connection between memorizing and the work of the muscles. This, the brain works in the braked mode, and we do not use 100%, but only 5-15% of its potential, given to us by nature. We do not even suspect how large the reserves of our brain are.

Our reserves, which are the energy produced by muscle contraction, are the fuel for the brain. There is no accumulation of energy for brain activation. We do not use the influence of muscular work on brain activity. As a result, we don't even know how our brain works during the accumulation of information.

We do not use methods of working with material. We work mentally and physically in chaos due to the absence of understanding the processes of memorizing information, the processes of obtaining our own living energy, and their interconnection. Thus, we have weak and lazy university graduates who are the result of an educational process when information is received in a half-hypnotic state and meaninglessly repeated at examinations.

The capability of quick adjustment to a rapidly changing situation, establishing optimum relations and overcoming psychological barriers are impossible without understanding the process of will-power.

We spend a great amount of energy at this chaotic restless time. It is necessary to mind that an increased mental load and problems require more energy. Most people lack it. People sometimes don't cope with such a great amount of problems.

The cause of excessive energy expenditure is the lack of knowledge about the working conditions of the source. This will create within us uncertainty about tomorrow.

Well-known people as well as ordinary are driven to commit suicide because of despair. They may feel despair because of a great amount of work. Seventy percent of diseases are caused by stress which should be treated with medicine and proper rest.

Lack of knowledge, which does not allow us to work normally and obtain energy - there is lack of knowledge of the conditions of work of the source of energy inside of us. As a consequence, we do not replenish it.


Understanding the healing effect of simple physical motion of rehabilitative processes, while doing small physical work allow us to develop our energy. Healing work is called "labor therapy" in psychiatry. Even doctors of Ancient Greece used it! By restoring the wasted energy through performing physical activity, we are distracted from worries, give rest to our nerves and reduce the consequences of stress

Finding new kinds of energy helps us to cure ourselves. Physical activity distracts the person from problems giving rest to the nervous system and reducing stress.

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